Cordyceps - Product Info

Cordyceps - Further Info

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1.  INCREASES IMMUNE FUNCTION: optimize the health of the endocrine, cardiovascular, respiratory, and reproductive systems. They contain anti-inflammatory compounds like polysaccharides, modified nucleosides and cyclosporines. Fight Free Radicals

2. SLOWS AGING - Boost brain function and enhance memory.

3. IMPROVES ATHLETIC PERFORMANCE - partially because they boost the body’s supply of ATP, one of the primary sources of energy during exercise.

4. ENHANCES SEXUAL FUNCTION - can help the body utilize oxygen more efficiently and improve blood flow. Cordyceps can be used as a natural remedy for impotence and for infertility. 


6. SUPPORTS HEART HEALTH - help protect the heart against damage and lower cholesterol levels to prevent coronary heart disease. 


- Dr, Axe, Ancient Nutrition

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